Place born
Organisation / Person
1799-1883, architect, English, British

Cubitt, Lewis

1709 - 1883

1779-1780, gigantic infant, English; British

Everitt, Thomas Hills

1702 - 1780

1709/10-1783, Pinchbeck the younger, clock-maker; watchmaker, British

Pinchbeck, Christopher

1709 - 1783

1709-1780, landscape engraver, French-born; British

Vivares, Francis

1709 - 1780

active 1744-1783, scientific instrument maker, German

Brander, Georg Friedrich

1713 - 1783

1713-1772, physician; inventor of geomagnetic instruments, English

Knight, Gowin

1713 - 1772

1761-1807, portrait and history painter, English; British

Opie, John

1705 - 1807

1711-1756, optical instrument maker, German (Prussian)

Mittsdorfer, Johan Georg

1711 - 1756

1791-1870, physician, Scottish, British

Copland, James

1711 - 1870

1710-1767, 10th Earl of Buchan; draughtsman; engraver, Scottish

Erskine, Henry David

1710 - 1767

Filley de la Barre, Pierre

1713 - 1779

Simpson, Thomas

1710 - 1761

Short, James

1710 - 1768

1711-1778, philosopher and scientist, Italian

Bassi, Laura Maria Caterina

1711 - 1778

Demainbray, Stephen Charles Triboudet

1710 - 1782

active 1760s-1790s, clock and watchmaker, Swiss; British

Vulliamy, Justin

1712 - 1797

1713-1788, horologist; scientist, British

Whitehurst, John

1713 - 1788

active 1740-1760, optician, optical instrument maker, Italian

Burlini, Biasio

1709 - 1771

1711-1770, politician; First Lord of the Admiralty, British; English

Perceval, John

1711 - 1770

1712-1789, philanthropic educator, French

l'Epee, Charles Michel de

1712 - 1789

1711-1756, physician, anatomist, and physicist, German

Lieberkühn, Johann Nathanael

1711 - 1756

1712-1780, physician; naturalist, English; British

Fothergill, John

1712 - 1780

1711-1788, active 1748-1776, optician, Edinburgh & London, Scottish; British

Short, Thomas

1711 - 1788

1757-1837, hydraulic engineer, German

Woltman, Reinhard

1712 - 1837

1710-1777, printmaker; engraver, French born; active England

Canot, Pierre-Charles

1710 - 1777

1713-1784, encyclopaedist, French

Diderot, Denis

1713 - 1784

Adams, George

1709 - 1772

South, James

1710 - 1867

1709-1782, engineer, French

Vaucanson, Jacques de

1709 - 1782

1782-1826, Philological Society magazine, London, England, British

European Magazine

1701 - 1806

1710-1768, active 1734-1768, optical instrument maker, British; Scottish

Short, James

1710 - 1768

1711-1751, royalty; Prince of Nassau and Orange, Dutch

Willem Karel Hendrik Friso

1711 - 1751

1714-1786, second earl of Stanhope, peer, English; British

Stanhope, Philip

1714 - 1786

1710-1782, natural philosopher; astronomer, British

Demainbray, Stephen Charles Triboudet

1710 - 1782

1710-1776, lecturer; inventor; astronomer, Scottish; British

Ferguson, James

1710 - 1776

1709-1777, poet; dramatist, French

Gresset, Jean-Baptiste-Louis

1709 - 1777

c. 1712-1777, painter; artist, English; British

Cleveley, John

1712 - 1777

1708-1787, painter; draughtsman, Italian

Batoni, Pompeo

1708 - 1787

1710-1790, chemist; physician, Scottish; British

Cullen, William

1710 - 1790

active 1714-1796, watchmaker, Paris, France

Romilly, John

1714 - 1796

1709-1776, active 1745-1776, mathematical instrument maker, British; English

Bird, John

1709 - 1776

1785-1867, surgeon; astronomer, British

South, Sir James

1710 - 1867

1709-1794, active 1761-1790, silversmith, English; British

Bateman, Hester

1709 - 1794

1709-1759, royal princess, British


1709 - 1759

1721-1793, physician; surgeon, English; British

Mudge, John

1710 - 1793

1710-1761, mathematician, British; English

Simpson, Thomas

1710 - 1761

1708-1772, active 1731-1770, optician, optical instrument & microscope maker and seller, London, England, English

Cuff, John

1708 - 1772

1709-1772, active 1734-72, mathematical, philosophical & optical instrument maker, lecturer, English

Adams, George

1709 - 1772

1866-1883, railway company, United Kingdom

Llynvi & Ogmore Railway

628 - 1883

Hedges, Nick